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SteamCrew VR for Gear VR

In SteamCrew VR, you and a friend cooperate to pilot a steampunk submarine through dangerous waters. Find someone in your community with a second Gear VR to join up on the same wifi network, and be ready to holler “guns aimed”, “slow down, that’s a rock!”, and of course, “FIRE TORPEDO”! It’s a hilariously good […]

New screens from Lucky’s Tale

One of the games I look most forward to see the final result is Lucky’s Tale. I’ve played it for a few minutes on the Gamescom last year and had an amazing experience. It is still the best game I played on a HMD so far. The developers shared a few new screens to tease us. I […]

Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition

Samsung Electronics Со., Ltd. introduced thе nехt generation іn wearable technology: thе Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition. The Gear VR enables users tо fully immerse thеmsеlvеs іn а cinematic virtual reality environment. The Gear VR is powered bу Oculus technology and delivers а completely nеw wау tо experience аnd consume mobile content. Іt continues Samsung’s […]


Immerse yourself in to the magnificence of the marine life. TheBluVR carriages you into a stunning VR experience that is interesting, fun and educational. By allowing you to live through the creatures in the ocean as they essentially supposed to live, untouched by humans and not artificial like in a zoo. The stunning 3D graphics […]