After taking another look at it this time in the CV1, I found that the demo is still really awesome and once again made me stop and think of just how cool the education my kids will receive is going to be with VR added to the mix. If you haven’t given this one a look I would recommend it if for nothing else but to see this potential.
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As some of you may know, I have been suffering from the aftermath of a traffic accident, a severe case of COVID-19, and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). These events have taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being, and I can no longer keep up with the demands of running a VR website and channel.
I want to thank you all for your support and feedback over the years. You have been an amazing community and I have enjoyed sharing my passion for VR and gaming with you. I hope you will continue to enjoy VR and explore its possibilities.
I will leave the website and channel online for now, so you can still access the content I have created. However, I will not be posting any new blogs, videos, or news. I hope you understand and respect my choice.