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VorpX and GTA V

VorpX and GTA V

VorpX does work with GTA V as we can see on several YouTube video’s that are showing up on the internet. We’ve selected the best video’s to show a glimpse of the endless world of Grand Theft Auto.

Nathie drove in a few cars, motorcycle and took a ride on the Ferris Whale and the Rollercoaster. We’ve enjoyed his video very much!

[symple_youtube id=”Kg_ndwF7pdo”]

ImmersiveGamer83 took the time to show you how to setup VorpX and the graphical settings to run GTA V smoothly in the Oculus Rift. Thanks pal!

[symple_youtube id=”ohS01HbDG3g”]

KSic Games is really enthusiastic about the VR gameplay in GTA. He really translates how you’ll feel in the Virtual World of Grand Theft Auto V. Love this video!

[symple_youtube id=”LdvK49GFSlQ”]

Hope you enjoy the video’s as much as we did. If you have any suggestions please post yours under this message.


Robbert As some of you may know, I have been suffering from the aftermath of a traffic accident, a severe case of COVID-19, and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). These events have taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being, and I can no longer keep up with the demands of running a VR website and channel. I want to thank you all for your support and feedback over the years. You have been an amazing community and I have enjoyed sharing my passion for VR and gaming with you. I hope you will continue to enjoy VR and explore its possibilities. I will leave the website and channel online for now, so you can still access the content I have created. However, I will not be posting any new blogs, videos, or news. I hope you understand and respect my choice.


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