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TITANIC SINKING SIMULATOR IN VR | Fall of the Titanic (Oculus Rift: DK2)

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A dream come true! You can now escape the Titanic while it’s sinking in Virtual Reality. Fall of the Titanic is a indie game that can be played on a monitor or with the Oculus Rift.

You wake up in a small ship cabin and what you do after that is up to you. Be sure you don’t drown and make your way to the lifeboats.
Have fun! http://store.steampowered.com/app/414130

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Robbert As some of you may know, I have been suffering from the aftermath of a traffic accident, a severe case of COVID-19, and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). These events have taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being, and I can no longer keep up with the demands of running a VR website and channel. I want to thank you all for your support and feedback over the years. You have been an amazing community and I have enjoyed sharing my passion for VR and gaming with you. I hope you will continue to enjoy VR and explore its possibilities. I will leave the website and channel online for now, so you can still access the content I have created. However, I will not be posting any new blogs, videos, or news. I hope you understand and respect my choice.



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