Mecha Tower
Mecha Tower is a tower defense game with two outstanding unique features: 1) It supports Virtual Reality allowing the player to observe the game board from different perspectives from above the board. 2) It features a special tower unit – the Mecha Tower (a stationary mountable turret) that can be entered by the player and manually used to shoot at enemy units (the camera changes to a first person perspective).
- The game has a cosmic / science fictional setting, the design is inspired by Disney’s® Tron style.
- The game starts with an empty board in space with square tiles.
- Aside from the Mecha Tower the gameplay is familiar: A Black Hole marks the start point for the enemy waves, the player must place towers strategically along the wave’s path to destroy the enemies before they reach their destination – your base.
- Each tower has 3 attributes (fire rate, strength and areal damage), while each enemy type has also 3 different attributes (health point, speed and quantity).
- A sonar tower can be placed to slow down enemies passing the sonar wave.
Milestone 2 Update:
- Created a scene in which creeps start from a specific point and follow a path to the finish line
- Map reads the information from a custom file which can later be used for a level editor
- Camera setup to switch between camera positions
- First creep and tower models created
Milestone 3 Update:
- Design implemented (work in progress)
- Creeps spawning, following path to player’s base
- Towers (LaserBeam and Mecha Tower) can be placed
- Towers shoot at creeps
- Towers can be upgraded
- Mecha Tower can now be entered
- Player can swap between 4 different camera positions
- Models + Design creation completed