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Ubisoft has VR compatible games in the pipeline

Ubisoft has VR compatible games in the pipeline

maxresdefaultThe CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, has announced that the company has VR-compatible games in the pipeline and that we can expect some games somewhere next year. The company wants to wait until the VR headsets, such as the Oculus Rift, or HTC vive are widely available.

Unfortunately Guillemot named no specific titles. He wanted to emphasize that Ubisoft sees great potential in virtual reality and that more gamers withdraws the gaming world. The developer of computer games is currently looking where VR can be properly implemented; because the virtual reality experience also some disadvantages. One can, for example, be quickly dizzy or get a headache when playing to long.

Some games like Assassin’s Creed are already playable with third party software like VorpX or TriDev. But a release from Ubisoft itself is great news for the VR market, since it is one of the biggest publishers in the game industrie! We can’t wait to play games like Assassin’s Creed, The crew, Beyond Good and Evil or Far Cry!

When Ubisoft will announce the VR-compatible games isn’t announced. Who knows we learn more at the Gamescom in Germany this year, where VRBites will report to you the latest VR News


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Robbert VR has been my passion since the days of the Virtual Boy. As an early adopter, I still treasure my Oculus Rift DK and Palmer Luckey's backers’ letter. Thank you for sharing this journey with me – the site and channel will remain online as a tribute to our shared love for VR and I'll try to post regularly.


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