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Paul McCartney

Experience musical legend and visionary Sir Paul McCartney performing “Live and Let Die” in 360 degrees, with stereo 3D and immersive audio in Jaunt’s first publicly released cinematic VR experience. Requires a recent 5″ or 6″ phone and a Google Cardboard virtual reality viewer.

Buddha Clubotron

Buddha Clubotron is a psychedelic night club simulator by ludotex.  You can walk around, fly in low gravity, change colors settings and make neon light sculptures with the Hydras by moving your hands around (you can also use a Xbox controller). [symple_button color=”blue” url=”http://goo.gl/IMMSW0″ title=”Download” target=”blank” border_radius=””]Download[/symple_button]   [symple_youtube id=”x7Ppy5d94xs”]