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MARUI – Plugin for Autodesk Maya

So you’re making a game for Oculus Rift, but to make the 3D models you still use your 2D screen? Why not do the modeling in VR, increase your productivity and get a better immediate understanding of how your model would appear your user? If you use Autodesk Maya, this Plug-In is for you. A simple […]

Aetheria: Weekend Retreat

Welcome to Aetheria, an alternate reality for the guidance and practice of meditation to achieve a healthier body and mind. The Retreat Center in Aetheria is located on an island with a variety of places to discover. In addition to Guided Aetherial Meditations, there are multiple locations in Aetheria where you are welcome to practice […]

Dirrogate – A 3D-360 VR novel (teaser)

Based on the hard scif-fi novel “Memories with Maya”, the VR experience takes the story foward… 8 years into the future, when Dirrogates (Digital Surrogates) have evolved and so has the “Wizer” (visor+AI) that Dan has invented. The ‘Wizer’ is like the Rift + Hololens combined with Google like deeplearning libraries embedded. Maya, Dans’s girlfriend […]

Maker From Below

Maker From Below is a cooperative multiplayer* first-person action game set in a science fiction desert environment. You play either as a smuggler or a sandworm. Smugglers have the goal to cross the desert and make it to the desert town. Sandworms have the goal to stop the smugglers and snatch them from the surface. […]

Endless Labyrinth

Endless Labyrinth is a peaceful experience. There are no monsters or traps or any kind of danger. There are, however, gems to collect! The maze in generated randomly as you explore, and it goes on forever in all directions.

Ruins Of Chronos

Ruins of Chronos is a 3D platformer set in a peculiar alien planet, home to the ruins of a past but advanced civilization. You must find the hidden treasure and sophisticated technology they left behind- but you’re not alone in the search. Controls: A controller is required for this game. A swivel chair is recommended. […]

Gigatron hell ride song

The most famous Heavy Metal band in the world and other galaxies launch the first VRideoclip experience, before Metallica, before AC/DC, before Iron Maiden. O.O Enjoy the hell ride with and exclusive track for Oculus Rift. Long live rock n roll!

Rainbow Smasher

Rainbow Smasher is a free for all arena combat game where you battle against other unicorns for supremacy. The game features online play – fight to be the first to reach the max kill count in a given round. You can play via GearVR or PC and compete freely across platforms. Rainbows will fall, cuteness […]