You’re a shipwrecked seaman, stranded on a very small, lonely island where you found shelter in an old lighthouse. Defend yourself against endless waves of terrifying sea monsters – the deep ones. Prepare for a relentless, unforgiving and addicting arcade experience! Only the ones with extremely fast reactions, strong nerves and exceptional skills will be able to defeat all enemies.
How to play
Aim with the crosshair and pull the trigger. Send these hideous creatures back to the ocean floor. Don’t let them come near you or they will dig their claws into your flesh. Stay alive as long as you can.
These are the default settings. You can change key bindings in the configuration dialoge before the game starts.
“Shoot” – Left Control / Left Mouse Button
(Activate weapon and menu interactions)
“Pause” – Esc or Right Mouse Button
“Calibrate” – Space