The first consumer version of the Samsung Gear VR, can now be ordered at Samsung for 99 euros.
In comparison with the previous models, which were originally intended for developers, this version is really for consumers. There are a lot of improvements made to the comfort of the headset. The Samsung Gear VR is 19% lighter than its predecessors and has a wider interface so it sits comfortably against the forehead. The touchpad on the first Innovator edition was the difficult to find, for that reason the second Innovator edition had a small bulge. The consumer version had a D-pad shaped touchpad, so do not have to worry about swiping horizontally or vertically.
The Samsung Gear VR is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S6, the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge Edge +. These smart phones have a quad-HD resolution of 2560 x 1440¸ which is in most cases enough to get a realistic experience. The best part is the price, since it is halve compared to the Innovator Edition. It now costs only 99 euros. The headset can be ordered via the official Samsung website and will be delivered according to the information on the Dutch Samsungwebsite on November 21st. We cannot tell if the problems of previous models, such as overheating and fogged lenses are completely dissolved with the consumer version. We hope to test the headset soon.