Welcome to Aetheria, an alternate reality for the guidance and practice of meditation to achieve a healthier body and mind.
The Retreat Center in Aetheria is located on an island with a variety of places to discover. In addition to Guided Aetherial Meditations, there are multiple locations in Aetheria where you are welcome to practice your meditations with just the ambient sounds of nature, or along with soothing music of your choice. Exploration in Aetheria is encouraged as you explore what meditation can do for you. No matter where you are in the real world Aetheria should prove to be a relaxing place to retreat to.
This Aetherial Retreat is a Weekend Retreat themed in the Tea Garden. The Aetherial Meditations in this Retreat are based on mindfulness exercises, and will be themed around the senses. You will be given a schedule to follow throughout the weekend, starting on Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. The schedule is a suggestion to encourage a good pace for learning and allow time for meditation practices at home, outside of Aetheria.
Aetherial Meditations are often made to augment reality, rather than to be virtual experiences alone. You will be given the option to incorporate real world items with your meditations to enhance the experience.”