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Neos The Origin Gave Me the Power to Create Worlds in VR and it’s Amazing!

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Last night I was again checking out the LEAP Motion 2015 3D Jam entries and came across an absolutely amazing demo! Neos the Origin is another mind blowing demo from Frooxius, the very talented developer who brought us titles such as Sightline the Chair and Neos the Universe. In this demo we get to use our hands to build worlds and let me tell you it is a really powerful feeling! This IMHO is what VR is all about….Even with the sub par tracking of my LEAP, I truly felt like I had the power of creation in my hands! If you have a LEAP Motion and a DK2 you should really check this one out! Just don’t get lost in there…. I went back in after recording the video to play a bit more and before I knew it I had been in the demo for almost 2 hrs and it felt like mere minutes.

vrgamerdude will be showing and reviewing some of the recent DK2 demos and games that are available for download as well as offering tips, tricks and information on getting older games running using the various injection drivers that are available.

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Robbert As some of you may know, I have been suffering from the aftermath of a traffic accident, a severe case of COVID-19, and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). These events have taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being, and I can no longer keep up with the demands of running a VR website and channel. I want to thank you all for your support and feedback over the years. You have been an amazing community and I have enjoyed sharing my passion for VR and gaming with you. I hope you will continue to enjoy VR and explore its possibilities. I will leave the website and channel online for now, so you can still access the content I have created. However, I will not be posting any new blogs, videos, or news. I hope you understand and respect my choice.


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