
Google Cardboard with camera cutout is required to fully experience this AR beer goggles app.
Attention: Android 6.0 users may experience where the camera only displays a gray screen, This can be fixed by going to Settings – Apps – BeerBox – Permissions. Enable both security permissions and the camera will display on the app. We will release an update for this to be automatic.
Do not currently download this if you have a Nexus 5 phone. The default exposure settings make the camera very dark. The next update will fix this issue. Email us if you have a Nexus 5 and are past the refund period, and we can issue a refund while we work on the upgrade.
Experience 10 different levels of inebriation simulation. As the level increases, your vision will have increased delay, blurriness, trouble focusing, and doubling.
See if you can make it to level 10 while keeping composure.
Warning: Be mindful of your surroundings while using this app. Do not use this app when in situations that require coordination, motor skills and vision that inhibits you from following traffic or safety laws. Do not use the app for extended periods of time. Stop using the app if you feel sickness or nausea. Do not use the app if you suffer from epilepsy, vertigo, or any other medical condition that is sensitive to moving images and light on the screen.
Developer Notes: Everyone has different experiences while intoxicated. BeerBox’s goal is to capture certain common elements and put them under a stress test by increasing the level of intensity. Higher levels may not be actually what extreme intoxication feels like, but it is a fun experience that you normally would not get to see. We appreciate any feedback you might have to help improve the experience.