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Protect The Planet Episode 1

Protect The Planet is a 2D and 3D virtual reality game. This game uses your head movements and applies it to the player in a Side-by-side 3d stereoscopic view or play in 2d and use your finger to swipe across the screen to aim. For viewing in 3D use with a mobile vr headset. [symple_youtube […]

RollerCoaster D2 HelloApps3D

Rollers Coaster are alway’s fun! Especialy on a VR googles! The HelloApps’s 3D Dive is yet a nother fun roller coaster to ride from the Korean developer Young Joon Kim. You can navigate 3D space by touching screen. You can set size of side-by-side display for large size of pad. It requires keyboard key’s (S/N) to activate content.