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Snowman Go Go!! / 大爆走雪だるま!!

Snowman Go Go!! / 大爆走雪だるま!!

Snowman Go Go4Only with the Oculus Rift, experience an unprecedented sensation of speed! At home, at the office, wherever you like, you can slide! No longer do you need climb a cold, snowy mountain carrying a heavy sled to feel the thrill of speeding down a hillside; all you need to do is put on the Oculus Rift! Simple to control, all you need to do is look in the direction you want to go! Just be careful not to fall over in real life too! Get ready to enjoy: Snowman Go Go!!

Snowman Go Go2(Caution is advised for those suscept to motion sickness.)
Robbert VR has been my passion since the days of the Virtual Boy. As an early adopter, I still treasure my Oculus Rift DK and Palmer Luckey's backers’ letter. Thank you for sharing this journey with me – the site and channel will remain online as a tribute to our shared love for VR and I'll try to post regularly.


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