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Elderly react to the Oculus Rift (DK1)


Elderly_DK1_ReactWatch the elders react to new technology as they dive into virtual reality using the Oculus Rift. Some love it, some hate it but is really fun to watch them and hear their opinions.

This video is made by Fine Brothers Entertainment, which is a multi-faceted entertainment studio.  Their biggest publications  are Variety, NYT, Huff Po, Times, USAToday, 100s and they have their own YouTube-channel.

[symple_button color=”green” url=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0v-tlzsn0QZwJnkiaUSJVQ” title=”Visit Fine Brothers Entertainment” target=”blank” border_radius=””]Fine Brothers Entertainment on YouTube[/symple_button]

Robbert VR has been my passion since the days of the Virtual Boy. As an early adopter, I still treasure my Oculus Rift DK and Palmer Luckey's backers’ letter. Thank you for sharing this journey with me – the site and channel will remain online as a tribute to our shared love for VR and I'll try to post regularly.


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