I had a lot of contact with Oculus support, but they didn’t seem to find a solution for the tracking issues. I had to search for a solution on my own. One of the problems was caused by placing the sensors on different heights. If one of the three or four sensors is higher than the other sensors, and it has to pick up tracking, is causes a ‘tracking drop’, or in the worst case you will get taller or get smaller. Placing all the sensors all on the same height solved the jumping controller issues for me.
My next problem was losing the connection completely. It seems that turning of the USB selective suspend solved the issue for now. You can disable it by pressing Windows key + R and type in powercfg.cpl. Then go to Change Plan Settings and Change Advanced Power Settings. Select High-Performance in the drop-down menu and go to USB Settings. Disable the USB Selective Suspend Settings and click on OK.
Hope it helps and if it doesn’t have you tired turning it off and on again?