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Elite Dangerous Space Blog #01

Welcome to my first Elite Dangerous Space Blog. I have this idea for a while so today I present my first CMDR ClassicGamerNL Space blog. This is a story about my adventures with the game Elite Dangerous. You can watch me live on YouTube almost every day around 9 PM. The journey to the center of the galaxy is long, […]

Elite: Dangerous on Sale! Only 12,37 on Steam!

The big sale on Steam has begun and it seems that there are many cool games being sold for a low price. A great title for Virtual Reality fans is Elite: Dangerous and now it only costs € 12.37. Be quick, because the offer is only temporary. [symple_button color=”green” url=”http://store.steampowered.com/app/359320/” title=”Elite Dangerous Cheap” target=”blank” border_radius=””]Elite […]